Sunday, May 30, 2010

May Recap

Surprise! I am still living! I have not blogged or written much of anything at all in the last month. I cannot believe it is almost June already. But I am indeed alive and doing well, though I am keeping quite busy.

So much has happened in the past month or so. I was confirmed a youth internship position at Cornerstone Baptist Church. I am so excited to be able to work alongside of Warren, giving back to the ministry that gave me so much. Teenagers are my passion, and I wouldn't spend my summer any other way. I am now known as "The Intern" as I also help Kris out at Radio Free Florence [], which is always a blast!

One of my biggest accomplishments this past month though, I feel, has been the fact that I have been up-keeping a calendar. I always had a planner for school, never used it much, though it was handy. However, I have started using iCal on my Macbook.. and syncing it to my iTouch. Now I have every event that is going on, right at my fingertips. It is pretty insane how advanced technology has become. I'm a fan though, not gonna complain. :]

Would you like to hear about another accomplishment in the life of Carissa? Probably bigger than using iCal. I took a late spring class at Francis Marion, also known as "Maymester." It is an intense course, with 14 in-class days of teaching. It was also Probability and Statistics. If you have known me for any amount of time, I am not a math person. I have never been decent at math in any way, shape, or form. I tend to forget what I learn rather quickly when it comes to computing numbers and solving for letters. But this course seemed to click a bit. I managed to make it through, and with a B+ to boot! It is such a great feeling too to know that I finished all the math I need for my Bachelor's degree. Though I hear rumor that I have to take a more targeted prob&stats for Psychology.. that will be worth it because it pertains to my career. I feel like it will click better. As far as my general education classes go.. Math is complete!

I cannot believe my Freshman year is done. Time is passing so quickly as I age. I like to think of myself as a cheese though. Some cheese are better as they age. I am also a huge fan of cheese so that's a plus. Just thinking about these past few semesters though, has been crazy. People always say the friends you make in college are the friends you keep the most in-touch with. I feel like I have made a pretty awesome close-knit group of friends. I wouldn't trade them in for anything in this world [not even cheese].

Well, as May draws to a close, I face another month to live to glorify God. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. i love you and your use of close-'knit' when describing your friends! Can't wait to see you soon!
