Sunday, February 14, 2010

All Aboard!

Welcome aboard the SS Life!

We as Christians are all rowing in the same boat, and this isn't a "Merrily merrily merrily gently down the stream" boat. This is a boat full of adventure, trials, and opportunities to exercise patience. This is a boat where we need to work as a team to keep it moving in the right direction, and we need to work as individuals to encourage those around us to keep rowing.

God directs the current. He has His hand in the winds and the breezes that fill our sails. Some days it is smooth sailing, and we can raise the sails and relax a little bit. But some days, when the storms begin to rage we must bunker down and keep a good grip on the oars, for if we do not, we risk being tossed overboard.

The most important thing to realize though, is that God is the captain, and we are simply deckhands. We have no say in the navigation of the boat. It is just our decision to go the way we are directed. Sometimes the current is rough, sometimes the waves are rocky. But if God created the storms, we know He created them for a reason.

Trust. Trust trust trust is the key word in this situation. I am learning how important the meaning of that word is.. daily. "Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.. acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation." Man is that powerful or what? God has called us to trust Him. To trust our Captain.

So tell me. Are you ready for this voyage through the seas of life?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Four Years.

Well today is February 12th. Four years ago to this very day we were traveling through about a foot of snow to move down south.

Four years ago today, I was bitter, selfish, and very upset. But looking back, I am SO glad my parents made the decision to move, because if they didn't, I would not be the girl I am today.

It is the challenging times in our lives that allow us to grow stronger and develop into the people that God has called us to be. If I did not move, then I would still be comfortable. I would not have met all the wonderfully amazing people I know today.

Four years ago today, I was mad at God, and I was mad at my parents. But now I am so grateful for the calling they felt to move down here. I told myself I would never like it here.. and things would never be the same. I was right. I do not like it here, I LOVE it here. And things truly aren't the same. They are better. I am a better person.

If you are in a rough circumstance where your world is changing, twisting, and crashing, hold tight to the love God has for you. Things might be hard now, but when the storm clouds break and the sun bursts through, you will see the flowers blooming. Flowers with vibrant colors that could only stay alive with rain.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What If..

What if God has called me?
What if following that call means giving up my dreams,
and instead,
allows me to follow my passion?
What if people think I'm crazy?
What if.

Now what?
Will I be obedient?
Will I pursue God's visions,
or selfishly remain wrapped up in my own?

I cannot continue to run in the opposite direction.
I have no idea what I am doing.
But isn't that what faith is?