Silent cries
Piercing through the night
Breathless sighs
Losing a one-sided fight
Sightless eyes
Never seeing the light
Harmful lies
Making it all seem right
No one can hear me
My life blown out like a candle
No one can see me--I am not wanted
Sacrificing my life
For the comfort of those around me
I was just a mass of tissue
Or was I?
What if you knew I was a baby?
A living human being like you
Would you have taken my life?
My chances?
Do you realize what you did?
Now no one will ever know my name
I will never see the sun
I will never feel the rain
I will never be loved
Just another life added to the statistics
One voice lost among 50 million
On Tuesday, October 20, 2009 there is an event that is taking place across this nation as a project of StandTrue among many pro-life people in their schools, workplaces, and areas of influence. It is called Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity, and the challenge is to stay silent for the whole day, in honor of and in prayer for the more then 50 MILLION babies who have been aborted since January 22, 1973, JUST in America. 50 MILLION innocent lives that are cut off from generations that have passed and generations that are to come.
Numerous times this evening while researching the statistics of abortion I had chills run along my spine. According to America, there are about 4,000 abortions that occur every day. I did some math, and the numbers were so startling that I had to do the equations again. Every MINUTE, approximately 3 babies are aborted in this nation alone. So in one hour and fifteen minute class period I sit through at Tech, approximately 225 hearts are stopped before that being even has a chance to exit the comfort of the mother's womb. This is obviously something I have a great passion for. Those babies will never inhale a single breath. Those babies will never smile at the recognition of their mother's voice. Those babies will never have a chance at life outside the womb.
In biology we have been studying meiosis. Meiosis is the process that divides cells to form an egg cell and a sperm cell. The detail of the code to behavior and character traits in every strand of DNA is mind-boggling. The whole thought of genetic variation, and the MILLIONS of combinations that can possibly be made at the exact moment of conception is humbling. After the egg cell is fertilized, it is a single-celled entity called a zygote. That zygote undergoes COUNTLESS mitotic divisions over a period of about nine months.
-20 days: Foundations of brain, spinal cord and nervous system are laid.
-24 days: Heart begins to beat.
-30 days: Child has grown 10,000 times to 6-7 mm (1/4") long. Brain has human proportions. Blood flows in veins (but stays separate from mother's blood).
-35 days: Pituitary gland in brain is forming. Mouth, ears and nose are taking shape.
-42 days: Skeleton is formed. Brain coordinates movement of muscles and organs. Reflex responses have begun. Penis is forming in boys. (Mother misses second period.)
-43 days: Brain waves can be recorded.
-8 1/2 weeks: Fingerprints are being engraved. Eyelids and palms of hands are sensitive to touch.
-9 weeks: Child will bend fingers around an object placed in the palm. Thumb sucking occurs. Fingernails are now forming.
-10 weeks: Body is sensitive to touch. Child squints, swallows, puckers up brow and frowns.
-11 weeks: Baby urinates, makes complex facial expressions - even smiles.
-12 weeks: Vigorous activity shows distinct individuality. Child can kick, turn feet, curl and fan toes, make a fist, move thumbs, bend wrists, turn head, open mouth and press lips tightly together. Breathing is practiced.
-13 weeks: Face is prettier, facial expressions resembling parents'. Movements are graceful, reflexes vigorous. Vocal chords are formed (but without air baby cannot cry). Sex organs are apparent.
-4 months: Child can grasp with hands, swim and turn somersaults.
-5 months: Sleeping habits appear, but a slammed door will provoke activity. Child responds to sounds in frequencies too high or low for adults to hear.
-6 months: Fine hair grows on eye brows & head. Eye-lash fringe appears. Weight is about 640g (22 oz.), height 23 cm (9"). Babies born at this age have survived.
-7 months: Eye teeth are present. Eyelids open and close, eyes look around. Hands grip strongly. Mother's voice is heard and recognized.
I know this blog is very long, but this is what is on my heart. We must be informed on controversial topics. How many people are aware of the holocaust of our own future that is taking place? So now I get to the point where I tell you about Tuesday. I personally have made the decision to not communicate in any form. So I will not be on Facebook, AIM, and my phone will be turned off (though I will have it with me incase of an emergency). I have also chosen to place a symbolic piece of red duct tape across my mouth with the word "LIFE" written on it. I am preparing informational note cards for people who ask why I am not speaking. I will spend the day praying, and fasting (which I have never done, so I am excited and humbled by this idea all at the same time). My prayer focus will be not only on the babies being aborted, but also on the mothers, fathers, clinical workers, abortion doctors, and peers who all have a contribution in the ultimate decision made for each life that is aborted.
If you feel lead to join me in silence, praying for this under-broadcasted topic of controversy, feel free and let me know I'm not doing this alone. If you would like some of my red duct tape, let me know as well and I'll try to meet up with you at some point before Tuesday to give you a piece. If you chose not to participate, at least take this time to pray for the lives that are being affected by abortion. Or, if you are unsure of what you believe concerning this topic, take the time to research and think about pro-life. Also, feel free to ask me any questions, I will do my best to answer as well as I can based on facts and my own beliefs. I know that God can do amazing things through the power of prayer. I am excited for how He will move across this nation.